Tuesday 11 January 2011

11th of January

Didn't end up doing anything yesterday. Followed Charlie's advice and had a day to let my body recover. Didn't overeat, small bowl of cereal for breakfast, bagel and carrots for lunch with baked chicken and veg for dinner.

Today I went for a cycle.

If that image doesn't work follow this link:

That map shows where I went. The bit in red is supposedly where I went quickest. The graph underneath shows my speed as I went along. Was cycling with a friend who isn't as quick at cycling as I am so average speed was less than I might have liked but I did a few sprints to wear myself out a bit. Had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, with an apple and a bagel for lunch. Ended up having beans on toast with a few chicken nuggets for dinner. Was probably a bad idea to cook whilst I was starving from the cycle ride so I have a few chicken nuggets to eat tomorrow if I want to! Weights tomorrow probably


  1. Hey - Good Job there Coel. Looked at it on Sportypal and used the 3D plugin - COOL!

    Gethin and I went out tonight - a bit cold, but glad we did it:

    Ride Time: 38:01, Distance: 7.83 miles, Average: 12.35 miles/h
    Fastest Speed: 39.29 miles/h, Climb: 320 feet, Calories: 350

  2. good to get a protein/carbohydrate mix for your breakfast... egg on toast is cheap and tasty, fruit and nuts if you can't be bothered to cook... keep a supply of raisins, almonds and walnuts around... nuts are high on fat though, so measure your consumption
