Monday 17 January 2011

Not quite as wet as yesterday

Woke up aching this morning, but in a good way rather than a bad way. Started the day off with an omelette containing chicken and some veg and then cracked on with some revision. It went alright up until about an hour after lunch when I got rather fed up and bored with it. At that point Gill text me asking if I wanted a cycle so I said yes. She's not a slow cyclist but it would be nice if she was a bit quicker. It wasn't nearly as wet as yesterday although it ended up only being a shortish cycle as she didn't have lights on her bike and it got a bit dark outside. Came home and cooked myself some more chicken, mash and vegetables. I've got some pork chops for tomorrow! The exam is at 9AM tomorrow so it'll be nice to get it out of the way before getting on with a bit of revision for maths on Friday. Might attempt a long cycle ride or a jog tomorrow afternoon depending on how I'm feeling.

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