Wednesday 12 January 2011

A few days in now

Its been a few days since I started this blog and routine and I'm already missing a few things such as beer and chocolate!

Had a breakfast of wheatabix again today with a lunch of baked beans on toast. Baked chicken, vegetables and pasta for dinner. Did some weights today, trying to take them slowly as I want to make sure I don't hurt my shoulder and I figured by working it up slowly I'll be able to strengthen it.


  1. calorie-budget for 'treats'... if you deny yourself things you love, you will eventually binge on them...

  2. Maybe I'll treat myself to something on my day off each week. Make it something to work towards.

  3. good plan :-)

    btw, did you get my blog headers?

  4. Yes I did thanks. Think I'm going to rotate it about once a week or so. Or maybe get it so it does it automatically. Might look into that after exams...

  5. Yo man I still drink beer, I just find because I'm exercising a lot more I'm drinking a lot less (bizarre I know). If I'm running in the evening I'll tend to start drinking later if we're doing anything big and I pace myself a bit better doing things. Still occasionally over-indulge.

    Chocolate just have a bar every so often, maybe just after exercise or every so often between lectures/half-way through a seminar or something. So not loads, but still a bit. Won't kill you.
