Friday 7 January 2011

First Post

So this is a blog for me to keep track. I'm attempting to make my life a bit more ordered this year. I aim to waste less time, get fitter, study more and learn some french. This blog is a tool to help me track my progress. I've got exams on the 18th, 21st and 24th of January so I need to get the studying thing done before the french but I'm also going to attempt to get some fitness in as well. I'll be using an application called JEFit on my HTC Desire to help track my fitness and fatness. I'll post my statistics weekly, probably on a Friday or Saturday so I can see how I do week to week. I'll be attempting to go for a run at least twice a week, starting off slow and short and progressing as time goes on. I'll also be attempting to cycle at least twice a week on days when I don't run. I'll be using Saturday or Sunday as my day off each week. It might not be consistent but I'm going to give it a go for now and see what happens!

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